Interface SaleResource

@Path("/{version}") public interface SaleResource
viagogo Sales API.

View your sales details and fulfill your sales.

  • Method Details

    • getSalesRecentUpdates

      @GET @Path("/sales/recentupdates") PagedResource<Sale> getSalesRecentUpdates(@QueryParam("updated_since") Instant updatedSince) throws IOException, ViagogoException
      List sales (recent updates).

      List sales for the authenticated user that have been created or updated over a certain period of time.

      updatedSince - Filters the response to only return items that have been updated since the given timestamp.
      sales for the authenticated user that have been created or updated over a certain period of time.
      IOException - indicates I/O exception.
      ViagogoException - indicates business exception.
    • getSales

      @GET @Path("/sales") PagedResource<Sale> getSales(@QueryParam("page") Integer page, @QueryParam("page_size") Integer pageSize, @QueryParam("updated_since") Instant updatedSince, @QueryParam("sort") String sort) throws IOException, ViagogoException
      List sales.

      List sales for the authenticated user.

      page - specifies which page of data to retrieve.
      pageSize - set custom page sizes on response.
      updatedSince - filters the response to only return items that have been updated since the given timestamp.
      sort - determines the ordering of items. A comma-separated string containing created_at, event_date, inhand_at, payment_amount, quantity, or resource_version.
      the sales for the authenticated user.
      IOException - indicates I/O exception.
      ViagogoException - indicates business exception.
    • getSale

      @GET @Path("/sales/{saleId}") Sale getSale(@PathParam("saleId") Integer saleId) throws IOException, ViagogoException
      saleId - the sale ID.
      the sale.
      IOException - indicates I/O exception.
      ViagogoException - indicates business exception.