Interface ListingResource

@Path("/listings/v2") @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") public interface ListingResource
  • Method Details

    • get

      @GET @Path("/get") @Rate(10L) ListingsResponse get(@QueryParam("fromEventDate") String fromEventDate, @QueryParam("toEventDate") String toEventDate, @QueryParam("listingId") Long listingId, @QueryParam("internalTicketId") String internalTicketId, @QueryParam("productionId") Integer productionId, @QueryParam("headlinerId") Integer headlinerId, @QueryParam("includeFiles") Boolean includeFiles) throws IOException, VividSeatsException
      Retrieves listings. Rate limit: 10 requests per second.
      fromEventDate - The start date of the event.
      toEventDate - The end date of the event.
      listingId - The listing id.
      internalTicketId - The internal ticket id.
      productionId - The production id.
      headlinerId - The headliner id.
      includeFiles - Whether to include files.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      VividSeatsException - if an error response is returned.
    • create

      @POST @Path("/create") @Rate(50L) ListingResponse create(BrokerListing brokerListing) throws IOException, VividSeatsException
      Creates a listing. Either productionId or eventName, venue, eventDate is required. If the eventName|venue|eventDate parameters are used, the create request may be sent to mapping. If the productionId is included in the request or our system can determine the productionId from the eventName|venue|eventDate parameters, the listing will be returned in the response. This method will only work if the Content-Type header is set to application/json. Rate limit: 50 requests per second.
      brokerListing - The broker listing to create.
      the created listing.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      VividSeatsException - if an error response is returned.
    • update

      @PUT @Path("/update") @Rate(50L) Response update(BrokerListing brokerListing) throws IOException, VividSeatsException
      Updates a listing. All the fields including attributes and tickets will be updated with the object passed in. This method will only work if the Content-Type header is set to application/json. An alternative version is /listings/v1/updateListing as it only requires you to supply your internal ticketID. If you want to use v2 and you only have a ticketId then you need to get the listing by ticket id first. Rate limit: 50 requests per second.
      brokerListing - The broker listing to update.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      VividSeatsException - if an error response is returned.
    • delete

      @DELETE @Path("/delete") @Rate(50L) Response delete(@QueryParam("listingId") Long listingId, @QueryParam("internalTicketId") String internalTicketId) throws IOException, VividSeatsException
      Deletes a listing. Either the ticketId or listingId is required. Rate limit: 50 requests per second.
      listingId - The listing id.
      internalTicketId - The internal ticket id.
      the response.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      VividSeatsException - if an error response is returned.