Interface ListingResource

@Path("/listings/v1") @Produces("application/json") @Consumes("application/json") public interface ListingResource
  • Method Details

    • updateListing

      @POST @Path("/updateListing") Response updateListing(@FormParam("ticketId") String ticketId, @FormParam("quantity") Integer quantity, @FormParam("section") String section, @FormParam("row") String row, @FormParam("seatFrom") String seatFrom, @FormParam("seatThru") String seatThru, @FormParam("notes") String notes, @FormParam("price") BigDecimal price, @FormParam("electronic") Boolean electronic, @FormParam("inHandDate") String inHandDate, @FormParam("splitType") SplitType splitType, @FormParam("splitValue") String splitValue, @FormParam("barcode") List<String> barcode, @FormParam("faceValue") BigDecimal faceValue, @FormParam("unitTaxedCost") BigDecimal unitTaxedCost) throws IOException, VividSeatsException
      Updates a listing. XML or JSON responses. The updateListing method allows you to update a listing in real-time. Only parameters you pass in to the method will be updated. The ticketId is your internal unique ID associated with the listing. Not rate limited
      ticketId - The ticket ID.
      quantity - The quantity of tickets.
      section - The section.
      row - The row.
      seatFrom - The seat from.
      seatThru - The seat thru.
      notes - The notes.
      price - The price.
      electronic - The electronic.
      inHandDate - The in hand date.
      splitType - The split type.
      splitValue - The split value.
      barcode - The barcode.
      faceValue - The face value.
      unitTaxedCost - The unit taxed cost.
      the response.
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs.
      VividSeatsException - if an error occurs.
      See Also: