SpotBugs Bug Detector Report

The following document contains the results of SpotBugs

SpotBugs Version is 4.2.3

Threshold is medium

Effort is default


Classes Bugs Errors Missing Classes
1 3 0 0


Class Bugs
de.onyxbits.giftedmotion.PatchedGIFImageReader 3


Bug Category Details Line Priority
de.onyxbits.giftedmotion.PatchedGIFImageReader.locateImage(int) invokes inefficient new Long(long) constructor; use Long.valueOf(long) instead PERFORMANCE DM_NUMBER_CTOR 566 Medium
Useless object stored in variable bitsPerSample of method de.onyxbits.giftedmotion.PatchedGIFImageReader.getImageTypes(int) STYLE UC_USELESS_OBJECT 232 Medium
Unread field: de.onyxbits.giftedmotion.PatchedGIFImageReader.imageMetadataLength PERFORMANCE URF_UNREAD_FIELD 637 Medium